neu(ノイ) mathrock, mathpop, postrock "いつか消えてしまうかもしれない、このありふれた今を歌に"
too is Instrumental Rock, Jinriki House/Techno performed as a band style, based in Tokyo,Japan.
2017年 7月、Dr.ツクル脱退。
2017年 9月 サポートDrにKohを迎える。
2018年 2月 活動休止。
2018年 7月29日より活動再開。
2022年 11月23日 Dr. Kohのサポート終了。
2022年 11月30日 Gt. Shige、Dr.さや 加入。
2024年 7月25日 Gt. Shige 脱退。
Qubinoix is an alternative fuzz pop band from Japan.
やさしい一瞬のGuitar Rock
Japanese Abyssal Core
Yumi Kobayashi's career began in the mid-1990s, based in Tokyo. Her house music performances captivated audiences and made a lot of her music stickier. The foundation of her passion for music was rooted in the classical piano she had nurtured since childhood. While energizing the club's crowd at various parties, she began producing tracks and blossomed her talent there as well. Her tracks were so beautiful and groovy that they captured the hearts of people in the 1990s and 2000s. Currently, she has resumed her amazing work as a DJ and track producer. She has been involved in clubs since the age of 19, playing house, deep house, tech house, techno, and hard techno. It is certain that she will be active at the forefront of the global music industry. Keep an eye on her future!
Shirojishi lives on a small remote island, Tosa dog lurks in the darkness of the big city, and Usagi stands in the forests of Musashino. We are a Japanese art collective formed after shaking hands at the edge of solitude. We mainly love old tape recorders, 4-track MTRs, out-of-tune instruments, etc. We are also big fans of psychedelic and drone music. Do you like our music? If so, that's great. We look forward and can't wait to meet you one day.
旋律的でテクニカルなツインギターに シンプルながらも細やかな手数のリズムの絡みを特徴とするインストゥルメンタルバンド。 マスロック・パンク・ヒップホップ・エレクトロニカなど多彩なジャンルの影響を受け エモーショナルかつメロディアスな楽曲を紡ぐ。 We are instrumental band "ue" in Yokohama. An instrumental band featuring melodic and technical twin guitars intertwined with a simple but detailed number of rhythmic moves. Influenced by a variety of genres such as mash rock, punk, hip-hop, and electronica, the band spins emotional and melodic songs.